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Search results view

When searching for an item (CSC, part or operation) to add to a work list or parts list, the search result is displayed in a separate view.



For work lists, you can search and add CSC, Parts and Operations. For parts lists, you can only search and add Parts.

This search results view has three main sections:

Fig. 39: Search results view
  1. Functions in the upper section

  2. The functions in the upper sections are basically the same as for the Work list view and the Parts list view. See relevant article for further information.

    When you have added selected item(s) to your work list and are done, return to the work list view by clicking the icon in the upper right corner of the screen.

  3. The search results section

  4. The search results are shown in lists. These lists differ depending on what information item (CSC, part or operation) you are searching for. A description of each item's search result list is available in the sections below.

  5. Functions in the lower section

  6. Select items to add by using the checkboxes on the left hand side of each row in the search result list. From the drop-down menu below the list, you can select the list you want to add the item(s) to. Your currently active (last selected) list is selected by default but you can change to another list or to create a new one. Retrieve a quick view of a list by clicking View List. When the desired list is selected, click the Add to List button to add the item(s).

Search result for CSC


The following columns are available in search results for CSC:




ID of the CSC, two characters.


Description of the CSC.


The component/function the CSC belongs to. By clicking a component or function in this column, the Component/Function page is opened. The component/function is automatically selected and all its relevant CSC are displayed.


Predefined additional comments on the CSC.


Click View to view related operation(s) for the CSC. A pop-up is displayed from which you can add the operation to a work list. See the how-to article Adding related operations for instructions.

If the operation is not added manually to a work list as described above, it is auto suggested by a pop-up to add it once a CSC is added. This can be changed in the Operations and Packages settings. See the article Operations and Packages Settings for further information.

Fig. 40: Example of search result for CSC

Search result for Parts


The following columns are available in search results for Parts:



Part No.

The number of the part.


Short description of the part. The icon indicates that there is a reference document available. Click the icon to open the document.

Vehicle Profile

Function Group: Title

The number and title of the part's function group.


Part Status, additional information on the type of product, for example "SW" for software and "NS" for not stocked parts (screw, nuts etc.).


Click View to view related operation(s) for the part. A pop-up is displayed from which you can add the operation to a work list. See the how-to article Adding related operations for instructions.

Fig. 41: Example of search result for Parts

Search result for Operations


The following columns are available in search results for operations:



Operation No.

The number of the operation.


Title of the operation. The icon indicates that there is a reference document available. Click the icon to open the document.

Function Group

Number and title of related function group.

Variant Desc

Variant description, e.g. XC90 D5244TX.


Skill level required to perform the operation, e.g. 2. See the article Standard of technical competencies for further information.


Volvo Standard Time. For further information, see Volvo Standard Time (VST).

Max Qty.

Many operations have a max quantity limit (often 1). It is not possible to add a variant of an operation to a work list if the maximum quantity of the operation is exceeded.

Labour Cost

Labor rate of the operation.


If there is a package available for an operation, this is indicated with a icon. By clicking this icon, a pop-up is opened from which you can see details of the package and add it to a work list. Parts included in the package can be added separately to a work list or parts list, if desired.

Please note the following:

  • If you add a package to a work list, the operation and parts are automatically included.

  • If you add an operation to a work list, the package is not automatically included.

  • There is often a max quantity limit (1) for each package you add to a work list.

Fig. 42: Example of search result for Operations

Language settings

In the upper right-hand side of the search results view, a drop-down menu containing all VIDA languages is available. Here you can change the language for the content in the work list or parts list you are currently working with to another language than the VIDA application language. Changing language can e.g. be useful when communicating with a customer talking another language than the default VIDA language. Note that all application texts always follow the default application language and will not be affected by the language selected in this drop-down menu.

If you select a language that is included in the Operations and Packages functionality on your market, all CSC, parts, operations and packages will be viewed in the selected language. If you select a language that is not included in the Operations and Packages functionality on your market, only CSC and parts will be viewed in the selected language. Operations and packages will still be viewed in the default VIDA language.

All languages that are included in the Operations and Packages functionality on your market is shown in the language drop-down menus on the Operations and Packages pages.



Search within CSC, parts and operations will follow the dynamic language.