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Inviting a customer to My Volvo ownership website


From the Customer Details page, it is possible to invite customers to create a My Volvo account (Volvo ID) in order to get access to a personal My Volvo ownership website.



This procedure is only applicable for customers in Volvo Central Database and requires a customer with an active vehicle relation. For instructions on how to add a vehicle relation, see Adding a new vehicle relation.

  1. Open the Volvo Central Database customer details page by clicking a customer name in a list or by searching a customer profile.

  2. Click Create in the My Volvo Account area.

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    A pop-up window informs that a My Volvo account will be created.

  4. Click Confirm.

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    An information message will appear, with either a confirmation that the action was completed successfully or with a message that a My Volvo account (Volvo ID) already exists with the given email address.

  6. If the action was completed successfully, the system sends an email message to the customer with an invitation to create a Volvo ID, which gives access to the personal My Volvo ownership website.

  7. The customer now only needs to set a password and accept the terms and conditions. The customer will then receive a second email with a link to My Volvo ownership website's welcome page.

  8. In the My Volvo Account area, Created will be displayed as status. When the customer creates a Volvo ID, the status is changed to Active.