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Adding a new vehicle relation


In order to add a new vehicle relation to a customer, follow the procedure described below.



This procedure is only applicable for customers in Volvo Central Database.

  1. Open the Volvo Central Database customer details page by clicking a customer name in a list or by searching a customer profile.

  2. Click Add Relation.

  3. Search for the vehicle in the search field that appears.

  4. After finding the vehicle, select ownership type in the drop-down menu. There are two ownership types you can select; Drives and Owns.

  5. The Drives ownership type must be selected for a customer that shall be set as primary driver of a vehicle. In a normal situation, private customers not only buy and own their vehicle but also drive it. Therefore, these customers need to have this ownership type in order to be set as primary drivers.

    The Owns ownership type shall only be used when a vehicle has an owner that is not driving it. This is e.g. applicable for company vehicles.



    A customer with ownership type Owns cannot be set as primary driver. Primary driver can only be set on customers with ownership type Drives.

    The first customer set with the ownership type Drives in a vehicle relation will automatically be set as primary driver by the system.

  6. Click Add.

  7. ð

    A window opens, asking you to verify with the customer before proceeding.

  8. After confirming the vehicle relation with the customer, click Confirm.

  9. ð

    The vehicle relation is added.