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Finding information on the Components page

The Components page can be used to navigate in a non-guided mode to read and learn more about components in VDS protocol-based vehicles. In the following procedure you will see that it is possible to use the Components page to find information for purposes other than fault tracing. The procedure describes some unique features of the Components page and how the different reference information tabs can be used.



This procedure is only applicable for VDS protocol-based vehicles.


Connect the vehicle

  1. Start by connecting the vehicle to work with.

  2. ð

    The Diagnostics tab is opened by default as soon as the vehicle is connected and assigned its own tab.


Check DTCs

  1. Select Components in the left-hand menu panel.

  2. ð

    The Components page is opened.

  3. By default, the list in the middle panel is set to view control modules. This list contains all the control modules that exist in the vehicle. In the list you can select a control module to only view information for that specific control module. If you want information about a component in the vehicle that is not a control module, you can select the Other button to populate the list with other components.

  4. The DTCs tab in the right-hand panel shows information about all set diagnostic trouble codes in the vehicle. You can also select one control module and thereby filter the set DTC in the vehicle. You can switch between Confirmed (DTCs that are confirmed or the confirmation is in progress) and Unconfirmed (DTCs that are not confirmed by the in-vehicle DTC test).

  5. To view all possible DTCs for the vehicle that can be set, you can select a control module and then select All DTCs. This can be used for reference purposes.

  6. The list of confirmed DTCs and unconfirmed DTCs are ranked using DTC details and only views the DTCs from a control module perspective.

  7. Select a control module.

  8. ð

    The DTCs set by the control module are shown in bold font style on top of the list with confirmed DTCs in the right-hand panel. The other DTCs are displayed in regular font.


Select readout time

  1. By default VIDA is showing the vehicle DTC data from the latest vehicle readout. The date and time for the latest readout is shown in the Source drop-down menu. If any older vehicle readout exists, it is possible to select that older readout in order to see what the vehicle's DTC status was at that specific time.

  2. To see if any previous readouts exists, click the Source drop-down menu.

  3. If an older readout exists, view the DTCs status for that earlier readout by selecting a date from the Source drop-down menu.

  4. Note


    When you select a readout older than the latest one, the Source drop-down menu is marked in red. Keep in mind that this represents an old snapshot of the vehicle status. To see the current status you need to switch back to the latest readout in the Source drop-down menu.


    The DTCs are updated with those DTCs that were set at the readout that was performed at the selected date.

  5. In order to view the latest DTC data again, click the Source drop-down menu.

  6. Select the latest readout.

  7. ð

    The DTCs from the latest readout is now shown again.


View all possible DTCs

  1. Select All DTCs.

  2. ð

    All possible fault codes that can exist in the selected control module are presented in the list. Fault code descriptions can be selected and viewed by clicking the document title. This list is a specific feature of the Components page.


Check wiring diagrams for a component

  1. Select a component in the Other list in the middle panel.

  2. Since the list is long, use the filtering option by clicking the icon.

  3. Enter a search string in the Name field for the component that you are looking for.

  4. ð

    The list is filtered on entered text string.

  5. Select the component. It should now be easy to find in the filtered list.

  6. Since we are now looking at components (not control modules), the All DTCs list is empty. Select the Wiring Diagrams tab.

  7. A component may be connected to many functions, hence a part of many wiring diagrams. Select what function to view in the Function drop-down menu.

  8. ð

    The selected wiring diagram is shown. The previously selected component is highlighted in the wiring diagram.


Run parameters

  1. To view parameters connected to the selected component, select the Parameters tab.

  2. In some cases there are no parameters connected to the selected component. However, a feature on the Components page makes it possible to freely select and run parameters from different control modules. To view this feature, click the ECUs button in the middle panel to view the list of control modules.

  3. Select a control module.

  4. Select the parameters of interest in the list of parameters under the Parameters tab.

  5. You can add parameters from other control modules as well. Do this by selecting the control module in the list of control modules in the middle panel and pressing [Enter] .

  6. Select the parameters of interest for this other control module in the list of parameters under the Parameters tab.

  7. To run the total selection of parameters, click the Selected button under the Parameters tab.

  8. ð

    Here you can see the total selection of parameters from different control modules.

  9. Run the selected parameters by clicking the Start button.