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Diagnostic protocols

Since the end of the 1980s, control module diagnosis has developed from detecting simple problems and storing a small amount of information to include more complicated tests and checks. Today a large amount of information can be read out both about the detected problem as well as parameters from the control modules' input and output signals. It is also possible to activate, control and write to control modules.

In VIDA, the vehicle communication methods differ depending on what diagnostic protocol a vehicle model is using. Also, the diagnostic protocols provide different possibilities in terms of how the vehicle model can be diagnosed in VIDA. Because of this, the approach to diagnosis under the Diagnostics tab is slightly different, depending on what protocol the diagnosed vehicle is using.

The vehicle models handled in VIDA are divided into the following two main groups, based on diagnostic protocols:

  • VDS protocol-based vehicle models (used in all vehicles on the new electrical platform, starting with XC90 model year 2016).

  • D2 and GGD protocol-based vehicle models (used by all vehicles on all other existing platforms).



Throughout this help file, certain functionalities and procedures are described twice, based on these two groups.

For more information, read the document Diagnostic versions and communication methods in VIDA. Find this document under a vehicle's Information tab by search or via the following path:

Product specifications à Design and Function à 0 Administration à 09 Miscellaneous à Diagnosis

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VDS protocol

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