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Pre-planning the work in the workshop


This procedure describes the pre-planning process for the work in a workshop. For more instructions on specific work list related task, see Work list and parts list how-to's.



Users with a subscription including only Operations can disregard the Adding a package procedure. Also, where the Operations and Packages tab is referenced, use the Operations tab instead.



In order to understand the basics of the Operations and Packages functionalities, please read the Volvo Standard Time Guide document beforehand. It is available in the Planning à Operations and Packages tab, under 0 General à 01 Foreword in all Operations and Packages sub tabs.

  1. Start by selecting or connecting the vehicle to work with.

  2. Open the Planning tab.

Adding claim types


To add quality bulletin operations to a vehicle with active claims, follow this procedure:

  1. Select Work List in the left-hand menu panel.

  2. ð

    If there are any active claims connected to the vehicle the user will be prompted by a pop-up window when opening the Work List tab.

  3. In the Active Claims window, select one of these four actions:

    • Add - If claims are marked and the Add button is clicked the CSC XW, package or operation that belongs to the claim will be added to the list.

    • Postpone - If the user does not want to add any claims to the list, this choice should be selected. The user will not be prompted again.

    • Other Claims - Show other active claim types and the history of the vehicle's claim types. It is possible to add local sales company claim types to the work list.

    • Cancel - If the user wants to add claims to the list later on, this choice should be selected. The user can close the window by clicking in the top-right corner of the window or pressing [ESC] on the keyboard. The Active Claims window will pop-up as soon as the list is reloaded.

  4. Note


    It is not permitted to have more than max quantity (often one) of an operation or package in a list. If more than max quantity is added the quantity box will become red to mark this. The user has to remove articles when this happens.

  5. All claim types related CSC, operations and packages that are added to the work list will be marked with the QB reference number. It can be viewed in the Work List tab by expanding the element using the icon to the right of the checkbox or by double clicking the row.

  6. Note


    The ability to include the QB reference number when the work list is transferred to the DMS is dependent on the version of the DMS interface and how it is implemented.

Adding CSC


If a customer has complaints or problems with the vehicle, add corresponding CSC and CSC related operations to your work list by following this procedure:

  1. Click Customer Symptom Codes in the left-hand menu panel.

  2. ð

    A tree structure with CSC is displayed.

  3. Use the search function or navigate the tree structure to find the correct CSC. A heading is collapsed by double clicking on it or by clicking the icon next to it.

  4. ð

    CSC are displayed in the right-hand menu panel.

  5. Tick one or more CSC that are to be added.

  6. Click Add to List.

  7. ð

    The CSC are added to the active work list.


    If there are operations related to the CSC, the Add related operations window opens.

  8. In the Add related operations window, mark the operation and click Add to List.

  9. ð

    The related operation is added to the work list.

Viewing technical journals


Some CSC may have related technical journals. This procedure describes how to find relevant technical journals after adding CSC to your work list:

  1. Select Technical Journals in the left-hand menu panel.

  2. ð

    Technical journals related to the selected CSC are shown.

  3. Read the technical journal(s). Take note of the operation(s) in the technical journal(s).

  4. Select Work List in the left-hand menu panel.

  5. In the Search/Quick Add field, select Operation and search for the operation from the technical journal.

  6. Mark the operation in the search results and click Add to List.

  7. ð

    The operation is added to your work list.

Adding an operation


To add an operation to your work list, follow this procedure:

  1. Click Operations and Packages in the left-hand menu panel.

  2. ð

    A tree structure with Operations and Packages is displayed.

  3. Locate desired operation by searching or by browsing the tree structures under one of the categories in the top menu bar.

  4. Select one or many operations by ticking the checkboxes.

  5. Select a work list from the drop-down menu in the lower part of the screen.

  6. Click Add to List

  7. ð

    The operation(s) is added to the selected work list.



Operations can also be added to a work list or parts list by using the search functionality on the current list. See Adding items to a list by search for an instruction.

Adding a package


To add a package to your work list, follow this procedure:

  1. Click Operations and Packages in the left-hand menu panel.

  2. ð

    A tree structure with Operations and Packages is displayed.

  3. Locate desired package by searching or by browsing the tree structures under one of the categories in the top menu bar. If there is a package available for an operation, there is a icon in the Packages column.

  4. Click the icon belonging to the operation of interest.

  5. ð

    The Add Packages window opens.

  6. Select a package under Available Packages for Operation No. if there is more than one package available for the operation.

  7. Click Add to List.

  8. ð

    The package is added to the selected work list.



From the Add Packages window it is possible to add the parts, without the operation, to a work list or parts list by clicking Add Parts to List.

Packages can also be added to a work list or parts list by using the search functionality on the current list. See Adding items to a list by search for an instruction.

Adding parts to a work list


To add parts to your work list, follow this procedure:

  1. Select Parts from the left-hand menu panel.

  2. ð

    The parts catalog is opened.

  3. Locate desired part(s) by search or by browsing the tree structure. VIDA shows parts that fit the selected vehicle profile. Information about the vehicle profile is shown together with the document title in the navigation tree.

  4. When selecting the lowest level in the tree structure (either by searching or browsing) VIDA closes the navigation tree and shows the relevant parts in the parts catalog, including an image. By default the first part in the table is highlighted.

    The following information about the part is found in the catalog table:

    • Figure number

    • Part number

    • Description

    • Quantity

    • PS-code

    • Price per unit

    • Notes

  5. Click a row in the table to highlight a part in the picture. In the same way, a part can be selected in the picture and the matching row in the table is shown.

  6. Select parts to add in a list by ticking the checkboxes.

  7. Select a list in the drop-down menu below the table and click the Add To List button.

  8. ð

    The selected part is added to selected list.


For users with a DMS connection, the prices of added operations and parts can be retrieved by clicking Retrieve from 'DMS' in the Work List tab. There are also options to show fixed prices and to include or exclude VAT.

For users without a DMS connection, there is an option to manually change the labor rate. Labor rates can be customized from VIDA Admin. Detailed instructions on how to do so is available in the document VIDA Admin Help.