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Changing the labor rate in a work list



This article is only applicable for users without a DMS connected to VIDA.


This procedure describes how to change the labor rate in a work list.

  1. Open the Planning tab.

  2. Select Work List in the left-hand menu panel.

  3. Open the list you want to work with.

  4. Select one of the operations in the work list and click the icon or double click the row containing the operation.

  5. ð

    The operation row is expanded.

  6. Click the icon in the Labour Cost/Hour row.

  7. ð

    A drop-down menu appears next to the icon.

  8. In the drop-down menu, select a labor rate.

  9. Repeat steps 4-6 for all operations you want to change the labor rate for.

  10. Click Save.



It is also possible to set the labor rate while adding operations to your work list from the Operations and Packages tab. Select a labor rate from the Labour Cost/Hour drop-down menu before adding one or more operations to your work list. This labor rate applies to all operations that are added.