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The DTCs tab contains information and functions for Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC) that are relevant for the selected vehicle. All DTCs detected at the vehicle readout can be found here.

The DTCs are divided into two lists according to their status. Select list by using the following two buttons:

  • Confirmed

  • Unconfirmed

See the subsections below for information about each list.

Fig. 108: The DTCs tab

In the lists you can see all DTCs that are relevant for the function that you have selected in the Function drop-down menu. The DTCs that are related to the component you have selected in the ranked list are always presented on top of the list, marked in bold. DTCs that are related to the function but not to the selected component, are listed as well but in regular font and below the component related DTCs.

You may also be interested in:

Diagnostics how-to's (VDS)

DTC Extended Information