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Fault tracing a vehicle in guided mode

This procedure describes how to fault trace a D2 or GGD protocol-based vehicle in guided mode. Guided fault tracing is performed under the Fault Tracing tab and is possible when you have one or many CSC in your currently active work list. The procedure covers how to add CSC from the diagnostics tab, how to find technical journals, DTC details and how to erase before delivering the vehicle to the customer.



This procedure is only applicable for D2 and GGD protocol-based vehicles.

This procedure is based on a case where a customer's "Check engine" light is active and you need to create a new work list, add CSC and fault trace the vehicle in VIDA.


Connect the vehicle and add CSC

  1. Start by connecting the vehicle to work with.

  2. ð

    The Diagnostics tab is opened by default as soon as the vehicle is connected and assigned its own tab.

  3. Expand the Work List in the left-hand menu panel and select Customer Symptom Codes.

  4. ð

    The Customer Symptom Codes page with a list of CSC is opened.

  5. Type check engine in the search field and press [Enter] on your keyboard.

  6. ð

    The CSC DL is shown in the right-hand panel.

  7. Select the CSC by ticking the checkbox and click the Add to list button.

  8. ð

    A pop-up is shown where you can enter a name and create the new work list.

  9. Enter a list name and click the Create button.

  10. ð

    The work list is created and the CSC is added to the new work list.


Check for network faults and technical journals

  1. Continue by checking if there is a icon next to the Network menu item in the left-hand menu panel, indicating that there is a network problem in the vehicle. If this icon is shown, continue by fault tracing the network.

  2. When any eventual network fault has been remedied, continue by checking if there are any technical journals for the vehicle and the CSC you just added by selecting Technical Journals in the left-hand menu panel.

  3. If any technical journal is available, follow the instruction described in the journal. In this case no technical journal exists for the CSC.


Start fault tracing

  1. Continue by clicking Fault Tracing in the left-hand menu panel.

  2. ð

    The Fault Tracing page is opened and the Selected CSC tab is selected by default.

  3. If you have multiple CSC you need to select one from the drop-down menu to use in the fault tracing. In this case you only have one (DL) so you do not need to select anything. Start fault tracing by selecting a procedure in the Diagnostic Procedures panel.

  4. ð

    The selected procedure is shown under the Fault Trace Procedure tab in the right-hand panel.

  5. Read the procedure to get an overview and instructions on how to perform the fault tracing procedure.

  6. Select the Additional Information tab to see the DTC counter values.

  7. ð

    DTC counter values and related CSC are shown.


View DTC details and graph

  1. To view all detailed attributes for a DTC, click Extended Attributes.

  2. ð

    The Extended Attributes are opened in a pop-up.

  3. In the pop-up you can see additional information such as:

    • Conclusions for the DTC.

    • Timestamp and mileage when DTC was first found.

    • Counter values from the latest readout.

    • Status from the latest readout.

    • Frozen values from the initial readout.

  4. Click the Show Graph button.

  5. ð

    The counter values are shown graphically.

  6. Select the Overview tab.

  7. ð

    The DTC information and fault tracing instructions are shown.

  8. Select the Timeline tab.

  9. ð

    The DTCs are shown in a timeline. If you want to do a new readout of DTCs for the control module, click the Update button.

  10. Close the Extended Attributes pop-up when you are done.


Erase DTCs and finish the fault tracing

  1. After fault tracing and repair, the DTCs should be erased and read again to verify that the customer's complaint has been remedied. To do this, select Fault Tracing in the left-hand menu panel and select the Delivery tab. It is possible to erase DTCs in one control module only by selecting it in the graphic and clicking the Erase button. To erase all DTCs in all control modules, click the Erase All DTCs button.

  2. ð

    An instruction is shown in a pop-up.

  3. Follow the instructions in the pop-up and click the Update button when everything is done.

  4. ð

    The DTC(s) are erased. After erasing DTCs, you are asked to start the vehicle twice before a new readout is performed.

  5. The result after an erase and readout is shown in the graphic and DTC list. Use the Read All DTCs button if you want to perform a new vehicle readout.