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Fault tracing a vehicle's network

This procedure describes how to fault trace a VDS protocol-based vehicle's network. The description includes information about how the information for a network in the vehicle is presented in the ranked list and how to work with the ranked list to find a solution.



This procedure is only applicable for VDS protocol-based vehicles.

The procedure is based on a case where a customer has been complaining that his/her vehicle, an XC90 2016, is behaving strangely. Some features in the vehicle does not always work properly. You are about to start fault tracing the vehicle that is in the workshop and connected to the VIDA workstation.


Connect the vehicle

  1. Start by connecting the vehicle.

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    The Diagnostics tab is opened by default as soon as the vehicle is connected and assigned its own tab. A network fault is indicated by the icon next to the Network tab in the left-hand menu panel. A network fault can generate a lot of unclear faults and should therefore always be prioritized and remedied first.


Check the ranked network list

  1. Select the Network tab in the left-hand menu panel.

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    The Network page is opened. All networks in the vehicle are shown in the ranked list in the middle panel. The icon indicates a network that has components with set DTCs. Networks without this symbol does not have any DTCs. The list is ranked, meaning that the network that is most likely to have faults is presented at the top of the list.

  3. Select the network with a icon and click the to see the components it consists of.

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    The selected network in the list is expanded and you can see all components it consists of.

  5. In this case the first action in the list to check is a wire. Since the wire is presented first in the list it is the most probable cause of the problem. The best way to find out more about the wire is by using the wiring diagram. Select the wire in the selected network's ranked list.


Start fault tracing

  1. To find out where the wire is located in the wiring diagram, click the Wiring Diagrams tab.

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    The wiring diagram is shown with the signal marked in bold. A dashed line in the wiring diagram indicates that the wire is most likely the cause of the problem.

  3. Right click the dashed line and select Signal information.

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    A pop-up is opened.

  5. Identify what the wire is connected to and how to measure the signal and then close the pop-up.

  6. Right click the wire (the dashed line) once again and select Cable harness image.

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    A pop-up is opened.

  8. Identify where in the vehicle the wire is located. The connector is marked in green. Measure the signal and do a visual inspection of the pin and the wire in the vehicle to identify the faults. Remedy if needed.

  9. If no fault was found, continue with the next component in the ranked list.