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Scenario 4: Pre-booking request


If a customer requests a pre-booking, the dealer is able to pre-book an appointment by using Workshop Appointment Management functionalities in VIDA. Pre-bookings are most common for non-Sensus cloud connected vehicles but may in some cases also be applicable for Sensus cloud connected vehicles. A pre-booking may be a seasonal wheel change or any other upcoming workshop appointment need for Sensus cloud connected as well as non-Sensus cloud connected vehicles.

This procedure describes a scenario when a dealer adds a by customer requested pre-booking in VIDA.

  1. A customer is picking up a vehicle from service and agrees with the service advisor to pre-book a date for the next coming service need.

  2. The dealer selects the customer/vehicle in the Workshop Customers tab in VIDA.

    Fig. 378: Customer/vehicle in the Workshop Customers tab

    It is also possible to search for the customer/vehicle and create a new appointment via the Manage Customer Information functionality. Here it is also possible to add a new customer.

  4. The dealer selects the customer/vehicle and clicks Create New Appointment.

  5. ð

    The Create appointment page opens in a separate browser window. The dealer selects Perform pre-booking from the drop-down menu.

    Fig. 379: Perform pre-booking
  6. The dealer fills in date, time and work to be done as agreed with customer. The date, time and work do not need to be completely agreed at this stage. Since it is a pre-booking, the dealer also needs to confirm the content at a later stage.

  7. When all necessary fields are filled, the dealer clicks SUBMIT.

  8. ð

    The pre-booking is transferred to the Planned list in the Appointments tab.

    Fig. 380: Pre-booked appointment in the Planned list
  9. The customer receives a booking confirmation via email and My Volvo ownership website. The email contains a link to the pre-booking in My Volvo ownership website.

  10. Email:

    Fig. 381: Email, containing a link to pre-booking confirmation at My Volvo ownership website

    My Volvo ownership website:

    Fig. 382: Pre-booking in My Volvo ownership website

    The customer can also access the booking details in Sensus Connect by selecting My Car à Service & repair à My Appointments.

  11. Time passes and 30 days* before the pre-booked appointment day, the appointment status is automatically set to Requested.

  12. ð

    The booking is transferred from the Planned list to the Actions list.


    * Parameter set at market or dealer level.

    Fig. 383: Requested appointment in the Actions list
  13. The dealer selects the customer/vehicle in the Actions list and clicks the Appointment ID.

  14. From the drop-down menu, the dealer selects Provide proposal. The details regarding the planned appointment, time and cost are already entered but the fields are editable if something needs to be changed.

    When everything is filled in, the dealer clicks SUBMIT.

    Fig. 384: Provide proposal on the Manage appointment page
  15. The customer receives the proposal in the following ways:

  16. Via Sensus Connect in the vehicle:

    Fig. 385: Proposal in Sensus Connect

    Via email:

    Fig. 386: Email, containing a link to proposal at My Volvo ownership website

    Via My Volvo ownership website:

    Fig. 387: Proposal in My Volvo ownership website



    At this stage the customer is able to request another time slot, via Sensus Connect, My Volvo ownership website or by calling the dealer. This requires the dealer to access the workshop planning system again to look for another feasible alternative day and time for the customer's workshop appointment and send a new proposal to the customer.

  17. The customer is happy with the proposed date, time and price and accepts the proposal via My Volvo ownership website.

    Fig. 388: Proposal in My Volvo ownership website
  19. The customer receives a booking confirmation in Sensus Connect, My Volvo ownership website and by email, confirming that the response was successfully sent back to the dealer. The email contains a link to the booking at My Volvo ownership website.

    Fig. 389: Booking confirmation email, containing a link to the booking details in My Volvo ownership website
    Fig. 390: Booking details in My Volvo ownership website



    Steps 11-14 are identical with the procedure previously described in steps 18-21 in Scenario 1.

  21. Based on customer settings in My Volvo ownership website, Sensus Connect will display an appointment reminder to the customer 1 to 4 days before the workshop appointment. This reminder will also reach the customer by email. The email contains a link to My Volvo ownership website.

  22. Via the pop-up reminder in Sensus Connect, the customer can see the details of the appointment by selecting OK to view details.

    Fig. 391: Sensus Connect pop-up reminder

    The customer can also access the booking details at any time in Sensus Connect* by selecting My Car à Service & repair à My Appointments, or by following the link in the reminder email to My Volvo ownership website.

    * The details about work to be done on the vehicle, coming with the dealer proposal, cannot be seen in Sensus Connect. Only price will be displayed here. Full details in Sensus Connect will be introduced at a later stage.

    Fig. 392: Appointment details in Sensus Connect
    Fig. 393: Email with link to My Volvo ownership website
    Fig. 394: Appointment details on My Volvo ownership website (part 1)
  23. On the day of service, Sensus Connect displays another appointment reminder to the customer, every time the engine is started. The customer is able to view the details of the appointment via this reminder as well.

    Fig. 395: Sensus Connect pop-up reminder

    If the vehicle is equipped with Sensus Navigation, the customer can choose to be directed when driving the vehicle to the workshop. There are two options for this guidance, set as single destination or to add the dealer as a waypoint.

    Fig. 396: Sensus Navigation
  25. When the vehicle arrives at the workshop, the technician performs the work on the vehicle according to what has been planned and agreed with the customer.

  26. As a final step, when all work is completed and the vehicle has been picked up by the customer, the dealer opens the Appointments tab. The dealer then selects the customer/vehicle on the Planned list and clicks the Appointment ID. The dealer closes the case by selecting Finalize appointment from the drop-down menu and then clicking SUBMIT.

    Fig. 397: Finalize appointment on the Manage appointment page

    By doing this, the appointment is removed from the Planned list but the customer/vehicle is still available in the Workshop Customers tab if the primary driver of the vehicle has selected the dealer as preferred dealer.

    Fig. 398: Customer/vehicle in the Workshop Customers tab

    All information about earlier appointments is available in the overview of appointments on the Workshop Appointment Management pages.


    By clicking a row in this overview, the page is shown as it was at selected time.

    Fig. 399: Appointment history on the Manage appointment page