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General search information

This article contains general information that may be useful when working with the search functionality in VIDA.

Minimum search length

It is not possible to search for search strings that are shorter than three characters (except for CSC). This is to increase the performance of the search engine. To perform a search on a partly known word, asterisks (*) can be used. Use the asterisks for the partly known word until three characters are shown.



a** or ab*

Searching All of the words or Any of the words

From the Search for drop-down menu, you can select to search for All of the words or Any of the words. See the examples below for a description of the differences.

All of the words

  • Searching for ”sta” gives results containing sta, for example, start, constant.

  • Searching for ”start” gives results containing start, for example, start, starter motor.

  • Searching for ”difficult start” gives results containing both ”difficult” and ”start”, for example, ”difficult to start”.

Any of the words

  • Searching for ”difficult start” gives results containing either ”difficult” or ”start”, for example ”difficult to start” or "starter motor".

Wildcard symbols

The search function allows the use of wildcard symbols which make it possible to search for information without a complete search word. The wildcard also works when searching part descriptions combined with notes. When no wildcards are used, VIDA searches for the exact word entered.


Asterisks (*) are interpreted as unknown symbols. Asterisk and All of the words selected give the following results:

  • Searching for engine* returns all words that are beginning with engine. The results could be "engine", "engine control module", "engine temperature" etc.

  • Searching for "s*y*" returns words that are beginning with "s" and contain the letter "y", for example, "system".

  • Searching for "*cover" gives results that end with cover, for example, "timing cover", "cover" and "protective cover".

Searching with Any of the words selected gives the following search possibilities:

  • Searching for "protective cover" gives results containing either "protective" or "cover".

  • Searching for ”protective* *cover” gives results containing words that end with cover or start with protective, for example, "filler cover", "protective", "cover and protective panel".

Question marks

Question marks (?) are interpreted as a single unknown symbol. Question marks and All of the words selected give the following results:

  • Searching for "ca?" means all words beginning with "CA" followed by one single character. The results could be "cad", "car" etc.

If you are unsure of the spelling question mark(s) can be used in the middle of a word.