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Troubleshooting a vehicles connection




This procedure is only applicable for VDS protocol-based vehicles.

If a VDS protocol-based vehicle does not show up under the Connected Vehicles tab, there is some built-in support inside the vehicle to troubleshoot this. In Sensus Connect there is a hidden menu that shows connection information. To access this menu:

  1. Open up the Climate controls in full screen mode.

  2. Tap and hold the AC off and Auto climate buttons simultaneously for 10 seconds.

  3. The menu appearing has advanced fault tracing information about:

    • Whether the vehicle is connected using Wi-Fi or the Ethernet cable.

    • If connected using Ethernet it is shown whether it's a networked or a peer-to-peer connection.

    • If connected using Wi-Fi the signal strength perceived by the vehicle is shown.

    • If the vehicle is locally or remotely connected. In the beginning only local connections will be possible.

    • Whether the DoIP session is inactive, in announcement phase or in the session phase.