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Planned list

This list is accessed by clicking the Home à Appointments tab. When a workshop booking proposal is accepted by a customer and confirmed by the workshop, the customer/vehicle ends up in this list. This also applies for pre-booked customers/vehicles. These are automatically transferred to the Actions list, 30 days before the pre-booking is due (flexible parameter set at market and/or dealer level).

The page is divided into two main sections:

Fig. 22: Planned list selected on the Appointments page

A detailed description of each section is available below.

1. List of appointments

This list contains the following:

  • Workshop booking proposals accepted by customer and confirmed by your workshop.

  • Workshop appointments that are preplanned.


The list is structured in the following columns:



Appointment ID

Appointment's six digit ID number.

Notification icons are displayed in this column. For a list with explanations on all notifications that may appear, see Appointments.

Customer Name

Name of the vehicle's primary driver, registered driver or owner.

View customer details by clicking a customer name. A customer can occur on more than one row if the customer has made multiple requests.

The icon represents workshop customers in My Customers list. This icon can be enabled or disabled by clicking, i.e. the customer/vehicle is added or removed from My Customers list.


VIN of the vehicle. By clicking a VIN, the vehicle details are opened in a new window.


Model of the vehicle.


Model year of the vehicle.


Mileage (km/miles) of the vehicle when the workshop booking request was made. This information is sent by the vehicle (State Of Health data) or is manually entered by the customer at My Volvo ownership website.

The unit km or miles is used based on market configuration.


For further information, see Appointments.

Appointment date

Time and date for planned workshop appointment.

Drop off time

Time and date when the customer is to leave the vehicle at the workshop.

User Name

CDSID of the user who last updated the appointment.

Select button

When clicking the Select button, a vehicle tab for the selected vehicle is opened and you are directed to the List repository view under the Planning tab.

2. Fine-tune vehicle

Once you click a row in the Planned list, the VIN and other vehicle profile parameters are automatically populated in the fine-tune vehicle drop-down menus. From here it is possible to fine-tune the profile before you select the vehicle to open the Planning tab.



It is not possible to change vehicles' model or year here. These are fixed and linked with the VIN.

It is possible to send the vehicle profile to the DMS by clicking the Send Vehicle Info to {0} 'DMS' button (not applicable for all DMS).