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My List

This page is accessed by clicking the Home à My List tab. My List shows all your recently created work lists and parts list and makes it easy to make a quick selection of a list. Here you can also access lists made by other users in the workshop.

The page is divided into three main sections:

Fig. 23: The My List page

A detailed description of each section is available below.

1. Import and display options

Import list

It is possible to import a work list or part list that earlier has been exported from VIDA and saved as a .csv file. The vehicle profile for an imported list will be set based on the vehicle profile stored in the .csv file. An imported list appears on top of the Work List or Parts List table, depending on what kind of list you have imported. For newly imported lists, the Customer Name column will be empty, since work list and parts list import and export does not include customer information.

Show other users' lists

By default your list will be displayed, however you can view other users list (within the same workshop) by ticking the Show other users' lists checkbox.

2. Work List


In this list, all your recently created work lists are presented. The list is structured in the following columns:



List Name

The name of the work list.

Customer Name

By clicking a customer name, the customer details are opened in a new window.

If you have access to a DMS, the customer names are fetched from the DMS. If you have access to Volvo Central Database, the customer names are fetched from there.

If the vehicle is associated to both owner and driver information, the owner information is shown by default.

The icon represents workshop customers in My Customers list. This icon can be enabled or disabled by clicking, i.e. the customer/vehicle is added or removed from My Customers list.


VIN of the vehicle. By clicking a VIN, the vehicle details are opened in a new window.


Model of the vehicle.


Model year of the vehicle.

Created By

CDSID of the user who created the list.

Last Modified By

CDSID of the user who last modified the list.

Select button

When clicking the Select button, a vehicle tab for the selected vehicle is opened and you are directed to the List repository view under the Planning tab.

To delete a work list, tick the box to the left and then click the Delete button below the list.



You can only delete lists that have been created by yourself. It is not possible to delete a list that is in use by yourself or anyone else.

3. Parts List

In this list, all your recently created parts lists are presented.



You cannot open a vehicle tab for a parts list as it does not have a specific vehicle profile attached. If you need to edit a part list, first profile the vehicle and then select the part list from the Planning page.


The list is structured in the following columns:



List Name

The name of the parts list.

Created By

CDSID of the user who created the list.

Last Modified By

CDSID of the user who last modified the list.

View button

When clicking the View button, a new window presenting the parts list in read-only mode is opened.

To delete a part list, tick the box to the left and click the Delete button.



You can only delete lists that have been created by yourself. It is not possible to delete a list that is in use by yourself or anyone else.

You may also be interested in:

Work list and parts list how-to's

Common icons