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On this page, a list of available software products for the currently selected vehicle is presented. From this page you can add software products to a work list or parts list for planning purposes.



Software purchases are handled from the main Software tab.

The page has two main sections:

Fig. 75: The Software page under the Planning tab

1. Software category


On top of the page, you can select what software category to display in the list of software products. The following categories are available:

Software category



Upgrades for control modules in the current vehicle that does not have the latest software installed.

Hardware Changes

Software upgrades for newly installed hardware components in the current vehicle.

Please note that if you have installed new hardware, you need to perform a new vehicle readout to populate this list. This is done by clicking the Read Vehicle button.

Function Changes

Software upgrades for new and existing functions in the current vehicle.


All software products available for the current vehicle.

2. List of software products

The software products in selected category that are available for the vehicle are shown in a list.


The list is structured in the following columns:



Part Number

Part number of the software product.


Short description of the software product.


Comments on the software product.

Size (kB)

Size of the software product (kilobytes).

Download Time (min)

Estimation of the total download time (minutes).

Select one or many software products to add to a work list or parts list by using the checkboxes on the left-hand side of each row. From the drop-down menu below the list, you can select the list you want to add the software product(s) to. Your currently active (last selected) list is selected by default but you can change to another list or to create a new one. Retrieve a quick view of a list by clicking View List.

When desired list is selected, click the Add to List button to add selected software product(s).