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Using this help file

VIDA Help is a context sensitive help file. This means that the most relevant information is opened when accessing the help file. Click the icon in the lower right corner of VIDA or press [F1] on your keyboard to open VIDA Help with relevant instructions for the screen you are currently working with.

Fig. 1: VIDA Help

Top menu bar

In the help file's top menu bar, the following icons are available:



Hide the left-hand menu bar.

Locate current article in table of contents in the left-hand menu bar.

Return to previous article.


Return to home page.

When using this print button you can select one of the following options:

  • Print the selected topic.

    Select this option to print currently displayed article. Please note that all expandable text blocks must be expanded in order to be included in the printout.

  • Print the selected heading and all subtopics.

    Select this option to print selected chapter with all included articles.


Article tools

On top of every article, the following icons are available:



Expand all text blocks in the current article.

Collapse all text blocks in the current article.

Print currently displayed article. Please note that all expandable text blocks must be expanded in order to be included in the printout.

Font size

The font size in the help file can be increased by holding down [CTRL] key and pressing the [+] key on your keyboard. Hold the [CTRL] key and press the [-] key to decrease the font size. If you have a mouse with a scroll wheel you can hold down the [CTRL] key and scroll up to increase the font size and scroll down to decrease the font size.



Laptops usually have a scroll function embedded in the right side of the touch pad. Make sure that this functionality is enabled in order to use it.

To reset the font back to the default size press [CTRL] and [0] . The font size is also reset by opening another article.

Left-hand menu panel

In the left-hand menu panel, there are three tabs:

Fig. 2: Left-hand menu panel tabs

Find additional information on the functionalities under each tab in the subsections below.


The contents tab shows the structure of the help file, as an expandable view of the document's table of contents. Click on the plus sign to the left of each topic in order to expand that particular topic. Click on the minus sign to collapse an expanded topic.

Fig. 3: The Contents tab


The index tab shows the complete index of terms used in this help file. You can search for topics by scrolling down through the list or by entering keywords into the search field.

Fig. 4: The Index tab

3. Search

In the search tab you can search for any word or phrase in the help file. The search returns a list of topics that match the specified criteria.

Fig. 5: The SEARCH tab