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Searching technical journals from VIDA


The following procedure describes how to find technical journals related to specific CSC, as well as how to add the operations from a technical journal to your work list.

  1. Select a vehicle.

  2. ð

    The Vehicle tab opens.

  3. Select Customer Symptom Codes in the left-hand menu panel.

  4. Find the CSC of interest by searching or browsing the tree structure in the middle panel.

  5. Mark one or more CSC and click Add to List to add them to your work list.

  6. To check if there are any technical journals related to the chosen CSC, click Technical Journals in the left-hand menu panel.

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    All applicable technical journals for the selected CSC and vehicle are shown.

  8. Open a technical journal by clicking its reference number.

  9. ð

    A pop-up with detailed information about the technical journal opens.

  10. Click Add to List in the pop-up to add the operations from the technical journal to your work list.