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Search from a Vehicle tab

This page is accessed by clicking the icon in the top menu bar when working under a Vehicle tab. On this page it is possible to search for various information types related to the selected vehicle.

There are four main parts of the Search page:

Fig. 253: Search page under the Vehicle tab

A detailed description of each part is available below.

1. Vehicle Profile

When you are using the search functionality from a Vehicle tab, the vehicle profile option is always turned on. To perform a search without a specific vehicle profile, use the search functionality from the Home tab.

2. Search for


From the drop-down menu, you can choose how the search is to be performed. Please note that these search options are not available when searching for a VCC ID.

Menu option


Any of the words

The search result returns all documents where at least one of the entered words appears.

All of the words

The search result returns all documents where all the entered words appear. Please note that the words do not necessarily need to appear ordered as entered in the search string but can be anywhere in the search result document.

The search string is entered in the text box or boxes and you start to search by clicking the Search button. The search operation can be canceled anytime by clicking the X in the search progress box. Words that are shorter than three characters are excluded from the search. This is to increase the performance of the search engine. However, asterisks and wildcard characters can be used if you need to search for short or partly unknown words. See the how-to article Searching from a Vehicle tab for further information and instructions.



When searching for parts, an optional search box is available in which it is possible to enter extra key words for search in part notes.

3. Type


You can select one of the following information types to search for by using the radio buttons:




Search parts by using parts number, part description and/or part notes in the parts catalog. It is also possible to search for part notes independently, without entering part number or description.


You are able to search by using the two letter CSC code or by CSC description.


Search for repair information.

Product Specifications

Search for product specifications.

Fault Tracing

Search for diagnostic fault tracing procedures.


Search for bulletins.

All information except parts catalog

Search for all information excluding the parts catalog.


Select this information type to search for documents using VCC ID. Wildcard search is not supported and you must enter the complete VCC ID with two hyphens e.g. VCC-123456-1.

Only viewable for internal users.

4. Search results

After a search has been performed, all search results (at most 200) are presented in a list. When clicking a document title in the rightmost column, the document is opened. If there is more than one vehicle profile to choose from, a pop-up window is shown, containing relevant vehicle profiles to select.

When searching for parts or CSC, a function to add selected search result item(s) to a new or existing work list or parts list is available below the list.

When viewing certain documents (service/installation instructions, fault tracing documents and bulletins), the words used as search arguments are marked in bold red within the document. The document is scrolled down to the first search result by default. If there is more than one search result in a document they are all marked, except the first which is marked bold white on a gray background. Pressing [Enter] , VIDA toggles between the search results. If a search is performed on part of a word, all words containing that part are marked, e.g. sea* highlights both seat and seal.