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The Delivery tab contains delivery procedures to use after a fault tracing has been completed. Before delivering the vehicle, it is important to erase the existing DTCs in the vehicle. Otherwise the vehicle will show not relevant DTCs next time a readout is performed. Use the functionalities under this tab to perform the delivery activities and complete the fault tracing by erasing the DTCs.

Fig. 194: The Delivery tab

Each area of the page is explained in the subsections below.

1. Control Module panel

In the Control Module panel, a graphic reflects the vehicle's network with all control modules' status at the latest readout.

Fig. 195: The Control Module panel

The colour of the control modules in the graphic varies depending on status:




Active DTC found in control module.


Non active DTC found in control module.


No DTC found in control module.


Control module not part of the vehicle configuration or not responsive to communication. It may however be in the relevant vehicle model.

An explanation of the colours is accessed by clicking the icon.



The graphic is only used when erasing DTCs and as an illustrative support. It is not possible to affect the list of DTCs in the Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC) panel by clicking a control module in the graphic.

2. Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC) panel

In this panel, all DTCs found in the control modules are listed.

Fig. 196: The Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC) panel

For each DTC in the list, a status indication based on the last readout is displayed in a “traffic sign” format:



DTC test completed at least once in the current operation cycle and fault was found.

DTC test did not complete during the current operation cycle.

DTC test completed at least once in the current operation cycle and no fault was found.

DTC test result not available.

The DTCs are sorted by status. Red status has a higher value than yellow and is shown first in the list.

By selecting a DTC, related fault tracing information and procedures are available under the Additional Information and Fault Trace Procedure tabs in the panel on the right-hand side of the screen.

Action buttons


The following action buttons are available below the list of DTCs:



Erase All DTCs

Erases all the active DTCs in the vehicle.

Read All DTCs

Reads all the control modules once more and lists the active DTCs with their current status.


Erases DTCs only from control module selected in the vehicle graphic.



When erasing DTCs you will be asked to start the vehicle twice and let it idle before DTCs will be readout from all control modules once more as a final check.

3. Fault Trace Procedure tab

When selecting a DTC, from the Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC) panel, the relevant fault tracing procedure document is presented here. DTC information is shown by default when the document is opened. Click the second link below the document header to open the fault tracing procedure part of the document. Use the first link below the document header to return to the DTC information.

Fig. 197: The Fault Trace Procedure tab

4. Additional Information tab

Under the Additional Information tab you can see related CSC for the DTC you have selected in the Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC) panel.

Fig. 198: The Additional Information tab

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