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Downloading software to vehicle through USB memory

The latest generation of infotainment contains considerably large software files compared to previous generations. In order to download these large software products to the MOST network in D2 and GGD protocol-based vehicles, a USB memory is needed.



The information and the procedure in this article is only applicable for D2 and GGD protocol-based vehicles.

It is possible to enable download of large software files without using a USB memory. See the article Advanced Test for additional information.


When is a USB memory needed?

A USB memory must be connected to VIDA when certain large software products are added to the order queue. A message is shown until a Volvo Car Corporation USB memory is connected. Once a software product has been added to the order queue, the order details shows the estimated total download time and if a USB memory is needed.



VIDA will only approve the type of USB memory that Volvo Car Corporation has developed as a special tool for this specific purpose.

Whether a USB memory is needed or not when purchasing and downloading software products depends on:

  • The generation of the infotainment system.

  • If the control module is located on the MOST network.

  • The estimated download time (size of the software product).

As a general rule, a USB memory is needed if a software product that is to be downloaded to the MOST network is estimated to exceed six minutes in download time.

What control modules could be downloaded by means of a USB memory?

Depending on the level of the vehicle's infotainment system it is either the ICM/IHU or the IAM that will act as a sub-tester. This means that the USB memory will not always be inserted in the same place. VIDA provides an instructions on where to insert the USB memory.



Some control modules on the CAN network require large software products as well. However, these are not downloaded via USB memory since this is not technically possible.



Before the USB memory can be prepared, the software products have to be verified. During the verification VIDA checks that the available software product matches the content in the vehicle.

The following criteria must be fulfilled before the verification can begin:

  • DiCE is connected to the vehicle.

  • The voltage in the vehicle is above 11 V.

  • Bluetooth strength of the DiCE is sufficient.

  1. Click the Start button to start the verification.

  2. When the verification is completed, connect the USB memory to the VIDA workstation.

  3. Note


    VIDA will only approve the USB that Volvo Car Corporation has developed as a special tool for this specific purpose.

  4. When all software files have been transferred to the USB memory, it needs to be connected to the vehicle before the download sequence can continue. Information about where to insert the USB memory is provided by VIDA.

  5. VIDA will perform the following tests before the sub-tester that handles the software download is initialised for software download:

    • That the USB memory is correctly connected to the vehicle.

    • That the correct software files are available on the USB memory.

  6. When VIDA has initialised the sub-tester, the files are copied from the USB memory to the vehicle. VIDA monitors the process via the communication tool. A warning is shown if the voltage drops below 11 V.

  7. When the software download is finished, VIDA reminds you to remove the USB memory from the vehicle before the vehicle is delivered to the customer.

  8. By clicking the Ok button the software download session is closed. The DiCE can now be used on another vehicle.